International Travel Registration
All Ball State University faculty, staff, and graduate students proposing to undertake University authorized and/or facilitated international travel are required to register their travel on this website. This includes but is not limited to travel for the purposes of attending or participating at international conferences, international research, teaching and any other international travel organized under University auspices by academic departments or administrative units (excluding study abroad programs, which are reviewed and approved by the Rinker Center for International Programs).
Before proceeding, please access the safety and security information for your intended destination found on the U.S. Department of State website and make your selection based on the options below:
Travel Advisory Levels:
- Exercise normal precautions
- Exercise increased caution
- Reconsider travel
- Do not travel
Level 1 or Level 2 Travel
You will need your dates of travel, emergency contact information, hotel information, and a list of any equipment you are taking with you.
Level 3 or Level 4 Travel
You will need your dates of travel, emergency contact information, hotel information, and a list of any equipment you are taking with you. You will also need to upload a detailed daily itinerary and security plan. Your security plan should be comprehensive in nature and address the major threats to safety and security as identified in the U.S. State Department Travel Advisory and, if requested, in the AXA Country Information.